Within the next ten years, the people of Kennesaw Methodist Church will be KNOWN by our community as DIFFERENCE MAKERS because we will AMBITIOUSLY MEET THE REAL, TANGIBLE NEEDS OF OTHERS and with compassion, form bonds that LEAD EACH CHILD AND ADULT INTO A DEEPER CONNECTION WITH CHRIST AND FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST.
We recognize that we are who we are because of the efforts of those who came before us. These saints directly made a measurable difference in our lives, and we desire to do the same for others. We will not give lip service to the mission that Jesus called us to when he instructed us to go into the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). We refuse to be the hypocrites Jesus spoke of in Mark 7:6-7 who honor God with words by whose hears are far from Him. When we serve, we will leave an indelible, positive mark on each life and with the recipients wondering if they could do the same for someone else.
Across the world, people in every community and every home are in need and at times, overwhelmed by those needs. Our commission as a church is of global nature and our primary mission field is here, on the northern side of Atlanta, in Cobb and Cherokee counties. Here, we have neighbors who live with food insecurity, unaffordable housing, lack of transportation, and overwhelming isolation. We believe we can concentrate our efforts and fill stomachs, create secure and healthy homes, increase mobility, and build true connections from person to person.
No matter who a person is, where they have been, or what they have been up to, we believe that every life is redeemable, and that God desires a relationship with each one. Our sanctuary and classrooms can be a place that people can come and hear for themselves the message of Jesus’ sacrifice and grace. We cannot wait, however, for people to come to our facilities. After the model of John Wesley and others like him, we must take the message of the Gospel into the neighborhoods, schools and workplaces of our community.
We desire to be a family for any- and every-one. On our own journey toward perfection, we offer hospitality and companionship to any other person who wishes to come along. Our bonds will be marked by encouragement and accountability that go hand in hand. Discipleship is apprenticeship and each of us expects Christ to bring personal change within us and in those who journey with us.