About Us

Learn about our church and meet our members of staff.

What We Believe

As a Methodist congregation, we believe the following:

God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

We profess the historic Christian faith in God, incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation and ever at work in human history in the Holy Spirit.

God's Grace

We believe in God’s grace, abounding love, and forgiveness for all people.

Faithful Christian Witnesses for Our Savior

We have an obligation to be and to make faithful Christian witnesses for our Savior

The World is Our Parish

We believe that “the world is our parish” and support mission and justice work locally, regionally, and around the world in order to fulfill our mission to “Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.

Two Sacraments: Baptism and the Lord's Supper

We recognize the two sacraments in which Christ himself participated: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, which we celebrate in our services once a month.


Through baptism we are joined with the church and with Christians everywhere. Baptism is a symbol of new life and a sign of God’s love and forgiveness of our sins. Persons of any age can be baptized through sprinkling, immersion, or pouring.

Scripture for Christian Doctrine

We believe that Scripture is the primary source and criterion for Christian doctrine. Through Scripture, the living Christ meets us in the experience of redeeming grace. We are convinced that Jesus Christ is the living Word of God in our midst.


Baptism is one of the Sacraments of the Methodist church. In the Sacrament of Baptism, words, actions and the physical element of water are combined to both express and convey God’s grace and love.

At Kennesaw Methodist, we welcome children and adults into the family of faith just as Jesus did. Baptism of child is a commitment by parents to raise the child in the life of the church, and of the Christian faith. During our Baptism ritual, the entire congregation vows to love, encourage, walk with and embrace these children on their path to eternal life.

Who Can Be Baptised?

Baptism is available for infants through adults in our church community.

Adults and Young People

Adults and young people may present themselves for Baptism at any time.


Children may be baptized at most Sunday worship services.

"I baptize you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit."
-Mark 1:8