Trunks & Treats

October 27, 2024 2:00 - 4:00pm  |  KMC Ball Field

1801 Ben King Road, Kennesaw, GA, USA



Sunday, October 27, 2:00-4:00 pm (Rain or Shine)

Join us for some fall festival fun! We will have decorated trunks with candy, bounce houses, a hotdog lunch, and more. Wear your favorite non-scary, family friendly costume. Bring a basket for your treats.


Help make this a great outreach event! Create and decorate a trunk with your small group, family & friends, or ministry group.


KMC’s Trunks and Treats is October 27th! We need candy donations! Next time you’re at the grocery store pick up a bag or two. Please bring donations Sunday mornings to the Narthex or CAC or to Sarah throughout the week.